BAYFIELD, ONTARIO:  Though I’ve been told by some that I have a good eye for a picture, I’ve got to credit my wife who saw this shot immediately.  We were visiting an art store and I usually keep the camera bagged as it is downright unethical to be shooting pictures of other’s artwork.  I did make an exception in this case as the subject was not the artwork per se but the way it factored into the overall scene.


NORTHEAST, MARYLAND:  There once was a time when photography as we know it now was non-existent.  People used cameras that recorded images on something called film that had to be loaded into a camera and, when used, taken to places where it would be “developed”.  Sometimes you would take it to drug stores or other places where film was developed, although it wasn’t even developed there.  It would be sent out and the something mysterious would happen.  Photo technicians who had been initiated in the arts of film developing would do their chemical magic and return something called negatives along with the pictures.  Isn’t that amazing?  It seems hard to believe that situation described here all changed in our lifetime, well, at least my lifetime.

I am always on the lookout for older cameras that, having been long retired, now make excellent subjects for the art that they originally had been designed to produce.  Posterized this pic the gift it an antique look.